VARIOUS MASONIC SYMBOLS © 1998/2010 David Ben Yakov / Delusion Resistance The sun, moon and stars, known in Scripture as the host of heaven, are found to be to the fore of Masonic imagery. These heathenish emblems, which have always been associated with Baal worship, are also found prominently displayed today within most New Age shops. It is not surprising to find such imagery spread widely throughout the occult world. Paganism has always showed its trinities in art by the sun (with a face) representing the male sun god, the moon (with a face) representing the moon goddess (or queen of heaven) and the all-seeing eye representing their offspring. Nothing on this picture represents anything scriptural. The words, "Faith, Hope and Charity," are Biblical, but the image does nothing to point a person in the direction of the Bible. 8/21/12 Occultic Masonic Pictures 2/6 A Masonic Apron with symbols similar to the pict...
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